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50,000 children in Gaza need urgent treatment for malnutrition

JAKARTA – UNRWA said Gaza residents are facing a high level of hunger following humanitarian aid restrictions put in place by Israel.

The United Nations Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) said more than 50,000 children in the Gaza Strip needed immediate medical treatment due to acute nutritional deficiency.

In a statement Saturday, the agency noted that with continued restrictions on humanitarian access, Gaza residents continue to face very serious levels of hunger. The UNRWA team is working around the clock to reach families with help, but the situation is very bad.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder also explained the difficulty of not only channeling aid to Gaza, but also distributing it throughout the war-affected coastal areas.

“There are more relief workers killed in this war than any war since the United Nations assembly,” he told Al Jazeera.

On Wednesday, UNICEF was on a mission to drive a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10,000 children, Elder said. Their job is to send aid, which was previously approved by Israeli authorities, from Deir el-Balah in Gaza, a route home up to 40 km (25 miles).

“It took 13 hours and we spent eight hours around the exam station, debating over documents – (This relates to whether it’s a cliche or a cliche),” he said. he declared, quoted by Algeria, Sunday June 16.

“In reality, this truck has not been accessed. The 10,000 children did not receive help…Israel has a legal responsibility to facilitate aid. »

One of Rafah’s main land crossings has been closed since Israeli forces seized the area earlier last month. The move raises concerns about hunger in southern and central Gaza.

The deputy executive director of the UN World Food Program, Carl Skau, spent two days assessing the suffering of the Palestinians this week, saying the challenge “I have never seen before.”

“The situation in southern Gaza is rapidly deteriorating. A million people in southern Gaza are trapped without clean or disinfectant water in densely populated areas along the coast amid summer heat. We’re crossing a weary river,” Skau said.

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