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These Olympic Games in the service of Adolf Hitler and Nazism

HASAt first, Hitler despised them. These Games were not “nothing other than an invention of the Jews and the Freemasons” ! They had been awarded in 1931 to the hated Weimar Republic which he put an end to. To some extent, he failed to renounce this commitment, like all the treaties signed by this regime. Then Goebbels convinced him. His Minister of Propaganda quickly understood the benefit.

Two months after his accession to power, Hitler received Theodor Lewald, the head of the German Olympic Committee, who lined up persuasive figures: at the 1932 Games, the Germans ranked ninth, with three gold medals, when the Italians of Duce finished second with twelve titles. France finished third. Hitler’s pride takes a hit. Half-Jewish on his mother’s side…

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