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Mercato – PSG: A scorer misses Al-Khelaïfi, he tells it all!

Football – Mercato – PSG

Mercato – PSG: A scorer misses Al-Khelaïfi, he tells it all!

Published on June 16, 2024 at 2:45 a.m.

Graduated from Journalism School in Paris. Specializing in football, and more particularly on the transfer window. Fan of PSG and Stade Français.

Long courted by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi’s PSG during the 2023 summer transfer window when he was free, Marcus Thuram finally opted for a transfer to Inter Milan. A choice that the French team scorer absolutely does not regret, and of which he reveals the smallest details in an interview with L’EQUIPE.

It’s no longer a secret to anyone, Marcus Thuram (26 years old) was on the shortlist of the PSG during the summer of 2023, when he reached the end of his contract with the Borussia Monchengladbach. Nasser Al-Khelaïfi had then considered recruiting the attacker of theFrench team free, but the latter had finally opted for Serie A and theInter Milan. Thuram is explained in the columns of THE TEAM.

“It was the club that knew me best”

The first contacts date back to the summer of 2021, I played left winger in Mönchengladbach. When I speak with Inter, I quickly understand that their plan is to make me play up front. At the time, I didn’t really understand. Dad told me I was going to finish up front, other people did too, but from there to Inter buying me to play up front, it was surprising. But, in fact, it was the club that knew me best “, noted Marcus Thuramwhich therefore ended up giving in in the summer of 2023, while PSG and AC Milan were also in the race.

” An evidence “

When they came back after the 2022 World Cup, it seemed obvious to me, especially since I was now playing up front in Gladbach. There was no reason to waver. When you have a clear idea, you stay focused despite other interests », specifies the scorer of theFrench team. THE PSG therefore missed a big market opportunity…


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