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aperitifs to share the pleasure of reading

Ten readers attended the Livr’esse aperitif, Thursday June 13 at 7 p.m. in the media library. Henrike Schierholt, manager of the media library, reminds Nadine, a newcomer to the group, of the purpose of this meeting: “We launched, at the opening of the media library, an activity reserved for reading enthusiasts. The group meets once every two months, outside of school holidays, to discuss books. »

Each member of the group chooses a book for the coming year that they wish to share with the other members during an exchange, in the form of an aperitif dinner..

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Anna-Maria, who is participating in her second meeting, recalls her interest in detective novels but also her desire, through contact with the group, “to broaden your reading range with science fiction and fantasy books”.

Today’s debates concern a South Korean novel, All the things in our life by Sok-Yong Hwang and a Frenchman, The madman by Sorj Chalandon. The first, which deals with the life of a community, which lives and works in a huge open-air landfill near Seoul, was unanimously acclaimed. Marion questions the meaning of the title of the work, expressing her incomprehension. At the end of the discussions on the book, she concluded satisfied: “I hear in your comments that this title refers to several themes mentioned in the work and thus to several possible interpretations. »

The reception of the second novel is much more mixed, two readers abandoned the reading stating a difficulty in finding a distance from the subject mentioned, the story of an escape of children from the penal colony in Belle-Île-en-Mer. The coercive and violent environment of this place of confinement is evoked, making the reading more emotionally harsh for some of the participants.

Two books by Jonathan Coe and Alexis Michalik will be discussed at the next meeting, November 7.


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