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REPLAY. War in Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelensky will present a peace plan to the Russians after validation by the international community

10:49 p.m.

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6:46 p.m.

Volodymyr Zelensky to present peace plan to Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday he would make peace proposals to Russia once they have been agreed by the international community. “When the action plan is on the table, accepted by all and transparent for the people, then it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia, so that we can truly end the war,” he told the opening of the first peace summit in Ukraine, which is being held this weekend in Switzerland, but without Russia.

3:45 p.m.

Giorgia Meloni slams Vladimir Putin “propaganda”

The head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni on Saturday rejected as “propaganda” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposals to negotiate peace with Ukraine. “It does not seem particularly effective to me, as a negotiation proposal, to tell Ukraine that it must withdraw from Ukraine,” quipped the latter at the closing press conference of the G7 summit which is held in the south of the Italian peninsula.

1:51 p.m.

Volodymyr Zelensky says he hopes to achieve “a just peace as quickly as possible”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his hope on Saturday to achieve “a just peace as quickly as possible”, at the start of the first peace summit in Ukraine being held in Switzerland, without Russia. “Whatever is agreed (at this summit) will be part of the peacemaking process that we all need,” Volodymyr Zelensky said, adding: “We will see history being made at this summit.”

12:31 p.m.

Kamala Harris announces more than $1.5 billion increase in energy and humanitarian aid to Ukraine

American Vice President Kamala Harris announced this Saturday aid of more than $1.5 billion for the energy sector, humanitarian assistance and civil security in Ukraine. She said the aid included $500 million in new funds for energy assistance. In addition, $324 million in aid already announced by USAID, the US development agency, would be redirected to meet urgent energy needs. “This funding will repair war-damaged energy infrastructure, increase energy production, encourage private sector investment, and protect energy infrastructure,” Kamala Harris said in a statement.

11:23 a.m.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz denounces Putin’s desire to “dictate” peace

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz denounced this Saturday the demands made by Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiate with Ukraine, believing that they amounted to “dictating” peace. “What we need is not a dictated peace, but a just and fair peace that takes into account the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine,” the leader said in an interview on the public channel ARD on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy. “What he is proposing is ultimately to engrave an imperialist raid into the texts,” criticized the chancellor who is participating this weekend in Switzerland in a major conference on peace in Ukraine which is expected to bring together dozens heads of state and government, but not Russia. Olaf Scholz described this meeting as an “important first step”.


What do we know about future NATO military aid?

NATO member states will have to find a consensus on military aid provided to Ukraine in view of the next Alliance summit, scheduled for Washington from July 9 to 11.

Read also :
War in Ukraine: consequences for France, 40 billion, the Viktor Orbán obstacle… what do we know about future NATO military aid?


3 Ukrainian drones intercepted in southwest Russia

Three Ukrainian drones were shot down by air defense in Rostov Oblast, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Telegram on Saturday.


Ukraine continues to resist multiple assaults

On the ground, Ukrainian forces continue to resist multiple assaults, particularly in the east of the country, where Moscow has been gaining ground since the start of the year. “Almost daily, we repel two or three attacks,” Maxime, commander of a company of tankers in the 59th brigade fighting in the Pokrovsk zone, told Agence France-Presse this week. “There was a clear increase in the number of enemy soldiers and they brought armored vehicles as well as long-range artillery,” added the 38-year-old soldier.


Vladimir Putin says 700,000 Russian troops are fighting in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin indicated on Russian television that 700,000 Russian soldiers were now participating in the operation in Ukraine, almost 100,000 more than he claimed in December. Although the Russian army has the initiative on the front, it has suffered considerable losses there for two years and is unable to gain a decisive advantage.


Ukraine and Moldova soon in Europe? The European Union gives “an agreement in principle”

The ambassadors of the 27 countries of the European Union have given their “agreement in principle” to the opening of formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, which will begin on June 25, announced the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU. This decision must be formally validated at a meeting of European ministers on June 21. And in the Netherlands, approval by Parliament is necessary. The opening of negotiations is a step in a long and arduous accession process.


Volodymyr Zelensky denounces Vladimir Putin’s “Hitler-style” ultimatum

Volodymyr Zelensky denounces Vladimir Putin’s “Hitler”-style “ultimatum”. Russian president sets Ukrainian capitulation as condition for peace talks. Fulfilling these conditions would constitute a de facto surrender of Ukraine, the objective of which is to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty within internationally recognized borders. The United States and NATO immediately and categorically rejected these conditions from the master of the Kremlin.


A Summit for Peace organized in Switzerland this weekend

A Peace Summit is being organized in Switzerland this weekend around Volodymyr Zelensky. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is not present. Around fifty heads of state and government will meet for two days in a luxurious hotel in Burgenstock: G7 leaders, EU leaders, American Vice-President Kamala Harris… The summit is not intended to end the war but find paths to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine by focusing on the commonalities between President Zelensky’s 10-point peace plan presented at the end of 2022 and UN resolutions on the war which enjoyed widespread support.


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