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before the Paris 2024 Olympics, marathon runner Méline Rollin properly celebrated in Bogny-sur-Meuse

The star of the day was her: Méline Rollin, the Ardennes marathon runner, holder of the French record since last February and who will participate, on August 11, in the Olympic Games in Paris.

His club, Grac Athlétisme, pulled out all the stops to honor him, this Saturday, June 15, in Bogny-sur-Meuse.

A relay was notably organized. 86 runners, divided into two teams (that of Grac and that of the Ardennes Athletics Committee), followed a series of laps to try to “beat” the French record of Nouvionnaise (2h24’12”). They achieved it after 2h23’50 of effort.

Méline Rollin participated in the first kilometer, as well as the 42e with her brother Théo and her best friend Charlotte Mahieu. She finally crossed the finish line, accompanied by two children from Grac: Augustine and Nello (8 years old).

The champion also signed dozens of autographs and took hundreds of photos. “It was a day that went beyond my expectationsshe confides. It definitely warms my heart and gives me plenty of energy before heading off to altitude for the most intensive period of my preparation.”


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