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Ivory Coast: After her death in Abidjan, ex-Mayor Fanny Ibrahima was buried this Saturday, June 15 in Bouaké

© – Saturday June 15, 2024 – 3:55 p.m.

Arrival at the airport Bouake this Saturday, June 15 around 8 a.m., after Abidjan, the mortal remains of the ex-mayor of Bouake Fanny Ibrahima was welcomed by a population that came massively and including the first leaders of the presidential party, notably the Minister of State, Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, representing the President of the Executive Board of RHDPMinister Amadou Koné, mayor of Bouake as well as ministers Jacques Assahoré, Adama Diawara and Sidi Tiémoko Touré.

The long line first went to the home of the deceased located in the Kennedy district before going around 10 a.m. to the regional headquarters of the RHDP located in the N’Gattakro district where several other activists, sympathizers of RHDP and loved ones were waiting. Installed under marquees erected in the courtyard of the regional headquarters of the RHDP, people and officials made a procession of honor around the coffin. The series of testimonies will follow, then the funeral oration.

The honorable Mondeny Fofana who was the President of the Women’s Union when Fanny Ibrahima was delegate of the RDR to Bouake and the honorable Bema Fofana, 1st Vice-President of the Regional Council of Gbêkê, in turn recalled the memories of the deceased’s struggle at the time of the RDR and today of the RHDP.

In the funeral oration read by Yabré Youssouf, Departmental Secretary of Bouake-Ahougnanssou, he spoke of the goodness of Fanny Ibrahima and his commitment alongside President Alassane Ouattara. “Fanny was good, he was close to the President of the Republic, a founding member of the RHDP, reckless man. When the RHDP was bad, we were going to Fanny’s. Without him RHDP would not be established in Gbêkê…” recalled Yabré Youssouf.

After the regional headquarters of RHDPthe mortal remains of Fanny Ibrahima was welcomed at the Great Mosque of Bouake for the funeral prayer. Fanny Ibrahima now rest in peace Bouake, his city and where he did everything during his lifetime. The ceremony marking the 7th day sacrifice will take place on Sunday June 23, 2024 at 8 a.m. at the large Dougouba Mosque in Bouake.

Born September 29, 1943 and died June 12, 2024, Fanny Ibrahima was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hévéa Palmier à Huile Council, Mayor of the city of Bouake from 2001 to 2013, former Member of the National Assembly of Côte d’Ivoire and former PCA of the CIDT. He was finally a Member of the Political Council of RHDPFounding Member of the RDR and the RHDP, Fanny Ibrahima is a Teacher, Founder of schools (Charles de Gaulle and Mohamed V) in the Belle Ville district and Ex Ivorian International Football (goalkeeper).


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