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“He is someone who devoted his entire life to the union movement to defend others! » (Mody Guiro, Sg CNTS)

Following the reminder to God of the secretary general of the National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Senegal (UNSAS), Mademba Sock, his fellow trade unionists received the news with sadness.
From Geneva where he is currently taking part in the 112th international labor conference, the secretary general of the National Confederation of Workers of Senegal (CNTS), Mody Guiro, testified about the deceased.
“We lost a comrade, a great trade unionist who was committed from the beginning until now. Mademba Sock is someone who dedicated her entire life to the union movement to defend others. He fulfilled his mission. I have known him for a very long time because we are from the same generation. He is someone to whom I have a lot of respect and he returned it to me daily. This is an immense loss for the Senegalese and African trade union movement. I would like to extend my condolences to all Senegalese workers, particularly to the comrades of UNSAS, to his family, to his children, to his wives. I extend to them all my sympathy and offer them my most sincere condolences. Let us pray together so that God welcomes him into his paradise Firdawsi,” said Mody Guiro contacted by Dakaractu.
According to him, the deceased has always been a fighter for respect for workers’ rights.
“Mademba is someone who has fought all his life. He struggled even with his illness. He fought until the end. He could not win his last fight, it is a fight of truth because only death is truth. This is a loss for the labor movement, but death can happen at any time. We live with death so as humans, as those responsible, we always say that it can happen one day or another and it will happen, so we should prepare for that. Now when is that going to happen? Where is it going to happen and how is it going to happen? That’s the question, for the rest we all have to be prepared for that. Death can knock on our door at any time,” said Mr. Guiro, who invites the union movement to continue its work.
“The trade union movement is not just perfect individuals, each one fulfills his mission and he has fully fulfilled his mission, it will be up to others to take over, to continue on the basis of the legacy he left them », concluded the trade unionist.


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