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LIVE – War in Ukraine: new aid of $1.5 billion announced by the United States

Here is the key information from the last 24 hours relating to the conflict:

– Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Switzerland on Friday, before the major conference on peace in Ukraine, which is due to begin this Saturday and which is expected to bring together dozens of heads of state and government.

– Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday described the freezing of Russian assets in the West and their use to help Ukraine resist Russia as “theft”, and promised to respond, after an agreement to this effect was reached. watches over the G7. He also called the Ukraine peace summit “a ploy to divert attention” and set his conditions: kyiv must withdraw its troops from four of its regions and renounce NATO for a negotiated peace.

– Volodymyr Zelensky rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Hitler-style” ultimatum demanding Kiev abandon territories in exchange for peace talks, in an interview with the Italian news channel SkyTG24.

– The spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova, estimated on Friday that the security agreement signed the day before between the United States and Ukraine was a simple “piece of paper” without value.

– Russia announced that it had shot down 87 Ukrainian drones overnight, 70 of which targeted the Rostov region (south) housing the headquarters of the Russian operation in Ukraine.

– The Ukrainian Air Force announced for its part that it had foiled attacks by “31 Russian air attack assets” during the night from Thursday to Friday, including 10 cruise missiles and 3 ballistic missiles.

– The ambassadors of the 27 countries of the European Union have given their “agreement in principle” to the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, which will begin on June 25, announced the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU.


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