DayFR Euro

“Put yourself in my place”, an ordinary day at Salvador-Allende college, in Rezé

It’s an idea that germinated three years ago, thanks to 3rd grade students.ewhich led to the creation of a collective to reflect on equality between girls and boys, education, health and even citizenship. “It’s a good way to show our students the richness in their differences, assures Mr. Caillaud, principal of Salvador-Allende college, in Rezé. The Put-you-in-my-place collective is very invested i and even if there were questions from the parents at the beginning, today, reluctance is less, if not non-existent. »

Friday June 14, the 6ewho were coming out of a workshop on confidence, expressed their joy at participating: “We had to drop down and we were caught by someone, it was great. » Their CPE, Ms. Guillet, agrees: “This helps create connections and develop a sense of belonging, which is beneficial for the school climate. »

“We can discuss taboo subjects”

Many external speakers came to bring their richness and variety to their interventions. Among them: Nantes Roller derby, which defends LGBTQIA + rights, a Boccia club (handisport), the SBAM company, which presents a show called Onward girls, tackling the patriarchy through humor and lightness. But also, the Iki Iki association, which puts art, culture and play at the service of the emotional and sexual health of children and adolescents, or the DisQtons association, providing sexuality education to 3e.

The returns of the 3e are representative of the success of the day: “We can approach taboo subjects and discuss them freely. Even if the subjects are difficult, we are all mobilized. »

For Mélanie Tesson, equality representative between girls and boys and member of the Put yourself in my place collective: “This allows some people to discuss taboo subjects, which they do not have the opportunity to discuss at home. The college is happy and proud to organize this time, it is more than important. »

The day was rich for the students and the teaching teams. It should be renewed, given its success.


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