DayFR Euro

Malestroit. The prize for best screenplay for Saint-Julien college

Six students of 3e, euro option, from Saint-Julien college, were rewarded for their work in the implementation of an escape game linked to the Olympic Games. On Friday, two modern language education inspectors from the Rennes academy (Ille-et-Vilaine) congratulated them: This project was proposed to all Breton establishments. The students were particularly brilliant; the jury awarded them the prize for best screenplay.

It was as part of Languages ​​Week that all the English, Spanish, German, Japanese and Latin classes had the idea of ​​producing a magazine on the Olympics: quizzes, presentations of great athletes, etc. At the same time, we implemented an escape game with the college’s euro group. , the teachers summarize.

The students’ mission: find the code to open a suitcase lost by an athlete and open it to find out the identity of the owner. The only prohibition is to exclude the French language.

After this event, we decided to participate in the competition, reporting on what the students had experienced, in a two-minute video, and they won the prize for the most original script.

Books in foreign languages ​​will expand the offerings of the documentation and information center (CDI) and the 27 participating students received mugs.


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