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Two minors aged 16 and 17 arrested after the shooting of a young man

Two teenagers aged 16 and 17 were arrested in Isère this Thursday morning by the gendarmes, the Privas public prosecutor, Cécile Deprade, said this Friday. They are suspected of having shot and killed a 19-year-old young man during the night from Saturday to Sunday last, in Annonay (Ardèche).

The victim was targeted by several gunshots while he was at the foot of a building in the Les Cèdres district. Hit in the chest, she succumbed to her injuries on the spot. The gendarmes from the Tournon-sur-Rhône research brigade and the Grenoble research section, responsible for the investigations, learned during their initial searches that a Peugeot 208 type car was located not far from the scene of crime at the time of the facts, indicates The Dauphine.

Two rifles discovered in Échirolles

The next day around 6 p.m., in Échirolles, in the suburbs of Grenoble (Isère), police officers from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) saw a man handing a weapon to people in a car. It is a falsely registered Peugeot 208. The officials decide to follow her discreetly. The suspect behind the wheel, aged 16, tried to flee when he saw the police but was quickly intercepted and arrested, before being placed in police custody. His passenger fled, as did the suspect on the two-wheeler. Two rifles were then discovered in the trunk of the 208. Weapons which would be linked to the murder committed in Annonay.

In this case, police officers from the Lyon RAID branch intervened Tuesday morning in Saint-Martin-d’Hères, also in the suburbs of Grenoble, to arrest a suspect at his home, who was ultimately absent.

A judicial investigation into the charge of “assassination”

The 16-year-old suspect was released under judicial supervision. He was placed under surveillance by the gendarmes responsible for the investigation, specifies The Dauphine. This is how the soldiers arrested the two main suspects Thursday morning, who were placed in police custody. The Privas public prosecutor stressed that the avenue of settling scores against a backdrop of drug trafficking was favored in this case. A judicial investigation into the charge of “assassination” must be opened this Saturday by the Avignon criminal center.


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