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NASA emergency exercise creates panic, agency recognizes false alarm: News

On Wednesday June 12, a scene created excitement among Internet users following a live broadcast from NASA. An audio recording from the American agency suggested that an astronaut was affected by decompression sickness. It was a false alarm, reports Libération.

At half past midnight on the night of Wednesday June 12 to Thursday June 13, NASA images broadcast live on the Youtube platform revealed a worrying message indicating that the connection had been temporarily interrupted. As Libération reports, shortly after this interruption, the voice of a person who seemed to be communicating with the team aboard the international space station was heard. In this recording, it was possible to distinguish directives to provide medical aid to the “commander” who was allegedly affected by decompression sickness.

“Before you seal, close the visor and pressurize the suit, I would like you to check his pulse one last time”asked the speaker who identified herself as a doctor. “I fear there are serious signs of decompression sickness… Unfortunately, the commander’s life is in jeopardy”, you could hear him say. And this is how concern took hold of social networks, specifies the daily.

A simple exercise

Faced with the panic caused by such a message, NASA, the American space agency, rushed to communicate via its ISS account on X. “Audio was inadvertently diverted from an ongoing simulation in which crew members and ground teams are training for various scenarios in space and is not related to an actual emergency”, she explained. The space agency also indicated that at the time of the broadcast of this audio, the crew was actually sleeping peacefully. It was actually a test taking place on the ground in California.

published on June 14 at 5:38 p.m., Arnaud Enjourbault



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