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prices are affordable at the Castors market, customers follow the rhythm of the party with a dose of modernity

In Dakar, as Tabaski is fast approaching, markets like that of Castors are in full swing. It’s a veritable whirlwind of colors, flavors and lively conversations that reigns in the crowded aisles.

This year, good news seems to be spreading among buyers: prices are affordable compared to previous years. This is a relief for many. But for sellers like Habib Diakhate, products such as garlic and pepper remain decidedly expensive, sparking lively discussions between sellers and buyers.

Onions and potatoes remain the most popular products. At Castors, we are delighted to see a drop in the prices of these essential items, sparking smiles and jovial exchanges between customers and merchants.

But what is really attracting attention this year is the rise of tools or instruments intended for peeling or cutting foodstuffs like onions and green vegetables! Latest generation tools, capable of cutting, pressing and molding products in the blink of an eye. Some do not hesitate to use them directly on site, adding a touch of modernity to the colorful atmosphere of the market.

In the midst of this joyful tumult, it is El Hadji Sarr, the market delegate, who alone embodies the spirit of Tabaski. His concern is that his stock will run out before the end of the festivities…


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