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What the Senegalese expect from their oil

Woodside announces the safe completion of first barrel production from the Sangomar field, which is located offshore Senegal and is the country’s first offshore oil project», Declared the Australian oilman. Average production should be around 100,000 barrels per day during the first phase of the project.

A historic first which marks Senegal’s entry into the oil industry, around ten years after the discovery of significant oil and gas deposits in the country.

Thierno Ly, general manager of Petrosen E&P, the subsidiary responsible for upstream and midstream hydrocarbon activities at the Société des Pétroles du Sénégal (Petrosen), expressed his satisfaction at seeing this step taken.

The start of Sangomar oil production marks a new era for Senega’s industry and economyL. It is the result of the commitment of the teams who worked tirelessly to meet the challenges and achieve our strategic objectives, in a complex and demanding environment,” added Mr. Ly.

Read also: Senegal now an oil producer

We have never been so well positioned to seize so many opportunities for growth, innovation and success for the economic and social development of our country», he rejoiced.

The Sangomar project is led by the RSSD joint venture, composed of Woodside (with an 82% interest) and Petrosen (with an 18% interest).

These first barrels raise a lot of hope among the Senegalese who have been waiting for this moment for years, believing that many things will change, provided of course that these resources are well managed, a significant part of which must be reserved for future generations.

By Moustapha Cissé (Dakar, correspondence)

06/14/2024 at 9:14 a.m.


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