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here are the 33 departments placed on vigilance by Météo France

After the short lull observed in the middle of the week, bad weather has returned to several areas of the country. Rainfall, violent storms and strong winds are expected this weekend. Several departments are placed on yellow alert by Météo France.

For this Friday, June 14, Météo France has placed 33 departments on yellow alert for various risks. Regarding the rain-flood alert, this is in force in five departments, these are Saône-et-Loire, Jura, Doubs, Haute-Savoie and the Territoire de Belfort. As for the yellow alert for violent winds, this concerns Finistère, Morbihan, Côtes-d’Armor, Ille-et-Vilaine, Manche and Calvados.

Finally, the most important alert and that for a risk of thunderstorms, it is in force in the departments mentioned above (those on wind and rain-flood vigilance) as well as in Eure, Seine-Maritime, Somme , Pas-de-Calais, Nord, Aisne, Oise. That’s not all, Île-de-France, Cantal, Lozère, Puy-de-Dôme, Haute-Loire, Loire, Rhône and Ain are also affected.

This Friday morning, the sky is overcast in the vast majority of regions. With the exception of the south of the country, the entire rest of French territory is exposed to rain. Regarding temperatures, they are still low in certain areas, the mercury varies between 13 and 22 degrees. In the afternoon, despite the appearance of some clearing in the west in particular, the weather will remain very choppy.

Cool weather is always there

In terms of temperatures, due to the polar shift, values ​​still remain below seasonal norms in several regions of the country. During the afternoon, expect only 16 degrees in Brittany and Normandy, 17 degrees in Rennes, Rouen and Limoges, 19 degrees in Bordeaux, La Rochelle and Lille, 20 degrees in Paris, Amiens and Strasbourg.

It is in the south of the country that it will be the hottest, count 22 degrees in Nice and Montpellier, 23 degrees in Marseille and up to 25 degrees in Perpignan, Toulouse, Tarbes and Corsica. During the evening, storms will appear throughout Brittany, Normandy and regions from the Lyon region to Aurillac.

During the night from Friday to Saturday, the Atlantic coast should have calmer weather. Elsewhere, the weather will remain just as turbulent. In the north, rain, accompanied by violent thunderstorms, is already forecast. Regions from the southwest to the far northeast will also find themselves in the rain.


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