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what weather and temperatures on Saturday November 9?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d'Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

Scattered precipitation will bring a bit of coldness today.

Today, Saturday November 9

A little refreshment today in , with some diffuse rain. Minimum temperatures of 12°C and maximum of 16°C should be expected. In the morning, the mercury will be around 14°C. The sun will shine from time to time in the afternoon. The minimum values ​​will be around 12°C and the maximum 13°C in the evening. The moon will certainly light up the sky and you will enjoy a cloudless night.

Weather forecast in Avignon tomorrow

The next day, the good weather will heat up the atmosphere. Temperatures will approach 15°C. The wind, 22 km/h and from the north, will pick up. The outside temperature in the morning will be around 14°C. The value will vary between 14°C minimum and 18°C ​​maximum during the afternoon. In the evening, the sun will manage to regain its rights occasionally. On average, it will be 13°C.

Weather in Avignon for the next few days

The weather will be very disparate during the following days.


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