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But how can Emilien (Les 12 coups de midi) remember so much? He reveals one of his tips for winning and bluffs Jean-Luc Reichmann

Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) once again amazed Jean-Luc Reichmann this Friday, November 8. The young man has indeed revealed one of his tips to give himself every chance of winning.

The months pass and Emilien continues to set records in The 12 strokes of noon. The candidate from Vendée has already spent more than a year on Jean-Luc Reichmann’s set. The host is always amazed by the knowledge of the 22-year-old history student, who sometimes even points out errors in the questions asked of him. The Midday Master had also revealed that his revisions took up almost all of his time. “Yes, I try to revise everything that can be revised, what I don’t know and what I also master a little. I’ve been spending all my time there for a year now. I try to be as organized as possible“, he confided to the host. Far from keeping his knowledge to himself, the young man decided to share with TF1 viewers his little tips for memorizing information.

Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) reveals a new mnemonic trick

Emilien had already revealed a mnemonic device for remembering the geographical position of Central American countries. “There is a little sentence which is ‘handsome boy living in Salvador cleans and waxes the floors’, with the initial of each word, we arrive at the countries from North to South“, he said. Which gives Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. This Friday, November 8, Jessica’s companion delivered a new tip, literary this time, to his fans. “It’s a phrase that is quite well known, which is not mine, but which helped me remember the great authors of the 17th century: ‘The Crow on the root of the heather drinks water from the Molière fountain,'” he read. Indeed, as Emilien, Corneille, Racine, La Bruyère, Boileau, La and Molière pointed out, authors of the 17th century, are hidden in this formula. “It’s mnemonics that helped me learn a little. It helps me remember them”he explained to Jean-Luc Reichmann, very admiring of his ideas.

Who of Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) or Paul El Kharrat is the strongest?

Paul El Kharrat, the former champion of the TF1 game, is the only one to have inflicted a defeat on Emilien on the plateau of 12 shots of noon. He had also refused to recognize the superiority of the Vendéen over him. An observation completely validated by Emilien. “There is no ranking. Everyone follows their adventure as it arrives. It’s an adventure that’s personal. There is no need to put anyone in opposition or comparison“, he conceded.



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