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The first appeal call, the KPK plans to resume the examination of the coal boss said Amin

JAKARTA – Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata confirmed that the coal mine boss, said Amin, would be recalled after witnessing the gratification case and of money laundering by the former regent of Kutai, Rita Widyasari.

This was relayed by Alexander in response to Said who did not respond to the call on Monday, June 10. Investigators have not received any reports regarding the absence.

“Call him again,” Alexander told reporters at the KPK Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted Thursday, June 13.

Alexander said he had not received any investigative reports on the information pursued from Amin. However, he believes the information from the mine boss was necessary.

Furthermore, Rita’s method of receiving gratification is to receive money from minor entrepreneurs. “It’s the mode,” he emphasized.

“The mode is in receiving the gratification which is suspected of the former regent (Rita Widyasari, red) will receive a fee of a certain number per ton or per bowl of dam from those mined,” explained Alexander.

Reported earlier, Rita Widyasari was named as a suspect along with PT Media Commissioner Bangun Bersama, Khairudin, on January 16, 2018. Both of them allegedly laundered money from the results of gratification of projects and licenses to the Kutai Provincial Government, d worth 436 billion rupees.

In this case, hundreds of vehicles consisting of cars and motorcycles worth billions of rupiah were seized by investigators in searches in Jakarta, Samarinda City in Kutai Kertanegara Regency.

In details there are 72 cars and 32 motorcycles; land and buildings in six locations; and money in fractions of rupees amounting to 6.7 billion rupees and 2 billion rupees in the form of fractions in US dollars and others.

Then it was also seized from the documents up to the electronic proof. The number reaches hundreds which will then be analyzed to shed light on the cases that trap Rita.

One of the places searched was Amin’s residence in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. At that time, investigators brought dozens of luxury cars.

Tag: kpk kutai kartanegara gratifikasi pencucian uang


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