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Trump calls city where Republican convention will be held ‘horrible’

Donald Trump must not only have friends among the Republican representatives he met this Thursday morning in Washington. At least one of them relayed to veteran journalist Jake Sherman of the Punchbowl News news site the deadly sentence that the former president dropped in front of his allies in the House of Representatives about Wisconsin’s first city, one of the key states in the 2024 presidential election: “Milwaukee, where our convention is held, is a horrible city. » The news site Axios collected the same statement from a Republican representative.

Trump’s allies quickly tried to patch things up. Maybe too quickly. Wisconsin Republican Rep. Derrick Van Orden, one of the most Trumpist elected officials in Congress, wrote on X that Trump did not directly attack Milwaukee. He was criticizing “the crime rate” in the city, he said. One of his Wisconsin colleagues, Glenn Grothman, offered another version, also on X, saying Trump was talking about the election and the need to do better in the country’s “urban centers.” Yet another (Bryan Stein) simply denied that Trump made the remarks attributed to him by Punchbowl News and Axios.

In short, three Republican representatives from Wisconsin offered three different versions of the affair. Who to believe?

Joe Biden’s team obviously believed Punchbowl News and Axios, broadcasting this From Garren Randolph, his Wisconsin campaign manager: “If Donald Trump thinks Milwaukee is so horrible, he shouldn’t come to our city. Milwaukee – our state’s largest, most diverse city and home to more than 577,000 people, the Bucks and Brewers, and the best beer in the country – deserves better than a convicted felon, a racist and a wannabe dictator who hates us and who hates our values. »

Trump is expected to be in Wisconsin in five days. The Republican convention will take place in Milwaukee from July 14 to 18.

(Photo Getty Images)

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