DayFR Euro

DIRECT. Legislative: Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not want a debate with Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella

What there is to know :

> A diverse-right candidate announced to La Voix du Nord that she was running in the 6th constituency of the North (Orchies), supported by the RN. This is the departmental advisor (Various right) Marie-Hélène Quatreboeufs.

> The Republicans are torn like never before: a political office unanimously excluded President Eric Ciotti, isolated in his choice to form an alliance with the National Rally. On Thursday morning, he rejected this decision and went to party headquarters. A new political office must be held to confirm his exclusion.

> The left managed to ally under the formula of the new “Popular Front”. From La France insoumise to the Socialist Party, including the Ecologists and the PCF, the leaders have yet to agree on the sharing of the 577 constituencies. Which is not won. Negotiations were suspended at midday.

> Emmanuel Macron called on Wednesday to stand together against the two “extreme“, even if it means summarizing this historic election as an opposition of “three blocks“. Remaining discreet in the first hours of the campaign, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is on the ground in Boulogne-sur-Mer, in a constituency in Pas-de-Calais where the National Rally almost won in 2022.

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