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Three documentaries on militant youth to watch on LCP | File | LCP

Far right, the new guard – NEW

In DebateDoc Tuesday July 2 at 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.

Rebroadcast Thursday July 4 at 3 p.m.t in replay on LCP.FR and the LCP YouTube channel


On June 9, 2024, during the European elections, more than half a million young people aged 18 to 24 voted for the list led by Jordan Bardella. Others, more radical, preferred that of Marion Maréchal.

At the head of this electorate is a new generation of aspiring executives. Sporting a plural and attractive face, this young elite refreshes ideological software which is nothing new.

Pierre-Romain, 29, leads the National Rally youth movement; Kaïna, 19, manages communications for the Student Cockade, a student union close to the RN; Stanislas, 24, founded Génération Zemmour, the youth branch of the Reconquête party: we followed them for several months, at the heart of the campaign for the European elections. Today at the gates of power, they represent the new guard of the French extreme right.

Documentary written and directed by Arthur Didier Deren & Renee Bertini /Editing: Agathe Cauvin / Original music: Julien Galner & William of Maria / Producer: Fanny Glissant, Stéphane Millière / Production director: Sarah Verdier Duration : 52′ / Year : 2024 / Co-production: Gédéon Programs / LCP–Assembly national

The directors of the documentary

Arthur Didier-Deren

At the age of 25, Arthur Didier Deren made his first documentary with “Extreme Right, the New Guard”. He took his first steps in journalism in Istanbul, where he collaborated with Diken, an independent online media outlet. There he carried out a series of interviews with foreign correspondents on the repression of the media by the regime in place. He very quickly turned towards documentaries.

Renee Bertini

Renée Bertini, 27, is an Italian-American multimedia journalist. It was at CNN’s Paris office that she covered the far right for the first time with an article on the training centers for young people from the identity camp. She is now a journalist at ENTR, a pan-European media partner of France 24 and Deutsche Welle, and has also produced her first documentary: “Extreme right, the new guard”.

Followed by a unique debate presented by Jean-Pierre Gratien

Débatdoc-Extreme right, new guard – copyright: Gédéon Programs

“Do better”, this youth behind Mélenchon – Unpublished debate

In DebateDoc Thursday July 4 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.

Rebroadcast Friday July 5 at 3 p.m.t in replay on LCP.FR and the YouTube channel of LCP


Yann, Dalia, Juliette, Simon, Antoine and Claire are under 34 years old. They struggle, hope, commit. They want another world. An eco-friendly, feminist and anti-racist world. And to bring this world into being, they support Mélenchon. How do the reality and dreams of this youth resonate with the journey of the septuagenarian? Does the personality of the left-wing leader completely match the Insoumis project of “changing the system”? “Do better” Jean-Luc Mélenchon told the young people, on the evening of his third defeat. How ?

Documentary written and directed by Ludivine Tomasi / Duration : 52′ / Year : 2023 / Co-production: Upside Television / LCP–Assembly national

Followed by a unique debate presented by Jean-Pierre Gratien

Débatdoc-“Do better”, this youth behind Mélenchon – copyright: Upside Television

Activist youth

Available in replay on LCP.FR and the YouTube channel LCP


While a new campaign for the early legislative elections of 2024 is taking place at high speed, rback in 2022, during the presidential campaign.

IPSOS polls predicted that 9 out of 10 young people intended to vote in the 2022 presidential election. A pool of voters who could well have swung the presidential election. The challenge for each party was therefore to rally as many as possible to its cause. For this, they were able to count on the fervor of their representatives on the ground: the young activists. From the extreme right to the extreme left, these young people did not hesitate to make every effort to bring the ideas of their candidates to life. From towing to pasting, going door-to-door, using social networks, the objective of these young people was to be everywhere, all the time. While the campaign was in full swing, for weeks, we followed eight of them, spread across France. Everyone has their own ideas, everyone has their own candidate, and above all, everyone has their own story. All of them had in fact experienced a major event which had forged their commitment and their political convictions. A past which then determined their future. Whatever it cost, even if it meant sacrificing their free time, their studies, and even sometimes putting themselves in danger, they were ready to do anything to make their ideas and their candidate triumph. There is only one winner at the end of the election. And each of these young activists hoped that it would be theirs.

Documentary directed by Samuel Elfassy / Duration : 52′ / Year : 2022 / Co-production: Studiofact Lab / Press TV / LCP–Assembly nationally, and in partnership with Le Parisien and the ESJ Lille

Documentary – Youth activists – copyright: Upside Television


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