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A day dedicated to Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative pathology, is constantly progressing and seriously affects the lives of people affected by it as well as that of their loved ones. According to France Parkinson’s estimate, one in fifty people will be directly affected. So this association, with forty years of fight and commitment, is mobilizing, and particularly its Aude committee.

On the occasion of World Parkinson’s Day, which took place in Comigne on June 7, the Audois France Parkinson’s Committee organized an informative day in the multipurpose room of the home.

There were around forty of them following the morning’s activities which were devoted to the state of research and progress on the disease. An exhibition presenting the different aspects of this pathology allowed patients and their caregivers to understand its serious consequences on their daily lives.

Symbolization of effects

Jonny Acheson, a patient with Parkinson’s disease, symbolized the motor and non-motor effects and the effects of drug treatments for Parkinson’s disease through around forty panels, an artistic and creative journey allowing us to understand the lives of patients. . The participants then followed a very interesting conference on the state of research on Parkinson’s disease given by Chirine Katrik, doctor in neuroscience.

After this very studious and informative morning, they shared a nice friendly drink followed by an equally friendly meal from the bag before sharing a recreational afternoon.


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