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His dog runs six kilometers to save him after an accident

After a serious car accident, a dog traveled six kilometers to warn his owner’s family and help them.

The stories of dogs who set out to rescue their master are far from rare. This one, however, is worth a look, as it is exceptional and reveals the deep bonds that can form a pet with humans. In Oregona man went for a drive with his four dogs. On the way, however, he suffered an accident. His vehicle suddenly left the road, in circumstances which have not been disclosed, and crashed into a stream. However, this man would never have been found if one of his dogs had not escaped to warn his family.

Dog comes to rescue his owner’s family after car accident in Oregon

The accident occurred approximately six kilometers from camping in which his master and his family were staying. The driver’s relatives were then more than surprised to see one of the dogs that was supposed to be in his master’s car appear. Surprise quickly gave way to worry. If the dog returned alone, it is necessarily because the motorist was the victim of an accident a little further away.
The dog in question therefore traveled six kilometers in total to prevent his master’s family. The victim’s relatives then managed to trace the car. However, the terrain was far too dangerous for them to be able to save the driver. It had in fact planted itself in a stream located below a road.
The environment therefore presented too much danger for anyone to reach the vehicle without risking their life. It was therefore necessary that rescue intervene the day after the accident. In the meantime, worry was at its height: no one had any news from the driver or his three other dogs.

The driver was eventually found, safe and sound.

Emergency services eventually arrived on the scene to help. the injured man. Their research was, fortunately, more fruitful. One of the motorist’s dogs was first found at the scene of the accident. As for the driver, he was seen a little further away. He had managed to move about a hundred meters, then he fell asleep to spend the night.
Rescuers found him envy. The driver did not suffer fromno serious injuries, although he needed some basic care. On the other hand, two of the three dogs who remained stranded after the accident had to be taken to a veterinary clinic. However, the end of this adventure could have been much more unfortunate if one of the dogs had not found the victim’s family.


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