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VIDEO – “No logic” for Mélenchon to be Prime Minister, says Olivier Faure on TF1

The boss of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, was the guest this Tuesday on TF1, the day after the agreement of the left-wing parties on “single candidates” for the legislative elections of June 30.

In the event of a victory for the left bloc, he refuses to allow Jean-Luc Mélenchon to become the new Prime Minister.

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Prime Minister”, this is one of the slogans which accompanied the Nupes campaign during the legislative elections in 2022. Two years later, the refrain seems very far from being the same. On the night of Monday June 10 to Tuesday June 11, the main left-wing parties – La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the Communist Party – announced that they had reached an agreement for the first round of the early legislative elections, on June 30 next. They will present “single applications” to maximize their chances of victory and try to beat the National Rally.

The socialists came to the forefront of the left.

Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the PS

In the event of a majority, this bloc would then be brought to govern. With which Prime Minister? For the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, it will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “There is no logic in Jean-Luc Mélenchon being a candidate” to succeed Gabriel Attal at Matignon, he said this Tuesday on TF1 (see video at the top of this article). “In 2022, with 22% in the presidential election, he had the main force. The political reality is that in the European elections, the socialists with Raphaël Glucksmann came at the head of the left.”

From then on, the situation changed, according to Olivier Faure, especially since the Socialists and the Insoumis did not hold back their blows against each other during the European elections. “Some words stick in my throat”underlined the boss of the PS. “In many respects, La France insoumise was outrageous and crossed the yellow line. When we met on Monday, I told them what I had not appreciated at all in this campaign, including with harsh words. It’s not about turning a blind eye, but we have to face it.” at the National Rally.



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