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What if we loved each other? at the Vallée Verte college…

On Friday, May 31, the restitution of the “And if we loved each other” project took place. The students of 4B, 6C, 6D and 3H supervised by Ms. Merlin, Mr. Parigi, Ms. Laissac and Ms. Pous presented the fruit of their artistic reflection (description of the project in PJ).

On the program: dance performances (with choreographer Benjamin Tricha), slams (with songwriter Benoît Bastide), compliment battle (with slammer Esope). You were also able to see the frescoes created by the 5B students with the graffiti artist GRUMO. Several workshops were offered to students throughout the college. In particular a wall where everyone was invited to write “I love you” in the language of their choice.

Students and staff greatly appreciated these moments marked by kindness and the realization of the work of several sessions during which different subjects took part. After the spring of poets, here is another major project carried out by Madame Périer, French teacher at the college and culture referent of the establishment.


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