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Philippe supports Macron, Bardella assures that the RN “is ready to govern”

Legislative: PS, PCF, EELV and LFI announce “single candidates” in “each constituency” in the first round. The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Ecologists and La France insoumise indicated on Monday that they wanted to “support single candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections, in a press release also signed by Place publique, or Générations. “We call for the creation of a new popular front bringing together in an unprecedented form all the humanist, union, associative and citizen left-wing forces” in order to “build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and combat the racist project of the far right” , write the signatory parties.

Marine Le Pen opens the door to withdrawals for LR candidates. Marine Le Pen answered a question about the possibility for RN candidates to withdraw in the event of a second round with an LR candidate. “Of course we can do it. Because that’s what bringing people together,” she assured.

Marion Maréchal wants to “find a way to [se] gather “. “I take note of their desire to bring together other movements, other currents. And I take note of the conditions they set. They particularly expressed to me the wish to work at Reconquest with people whom they consider to have had a constructive attitude towards the National Rally,” declared Marion Maréchal after speaking with Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. An explicit allusion to the president of Reconquête Eric Zemmour.

Five unions are calling to “demonstrate as widely as possible” this weekend. The CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires are calling to “demonstrate as widely as possible” this weekend “to support the need for alternatives for progress for the world of work” before the early legislative elections on 30 June and July 7, according to an inter-union press release published Monday.

Glucksmann proposed Laurent Berger to Matignon. “I think there is a figure in civil society who is capable of calming things down. I am thinking of Laurent Berger who embodied the fight against pension reform,” declared Raphaël Glucksmann, believing that the former secretary general of the CFDT is the “suitable” person to govern in Matignon in the event of a victory for the left. The MEP also ruled out the possibility of seeing Jean-Luc Mélenchon leading the left alliance.

The RN between 235 and 265 seats according to a first survey. According to a first Harris Interactive poll for Challenges, the RN could obtain between 235 and 265 seats in the legislative elections. The Ensemble group, of the current presidential majority, would obtain 125 to 155 seats. Finally the Nupes – in the hypothesis of a left united as in 2022 – would obtain 115 to 145 seats. The LR group would come in fourth position with 40 to 55 seats.

Applications must be submitted from June 12 to 16 at 6 p.m. Candidates for the early legislative elections must be submitted between Wednesday June 12 and Sunday June 16 at 6 p.m., according to Emmanuel Macron’s decree published Monday in the Official Journal. The electoral campaign for the first round on June 30 will begin on Monday June 17. For the second round on July 7, “declarations of candidacy will be submitted from the announcement of the results” and “until Tuesday July 2” at 6 p.m.


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