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Dissolution of the Assembly: end of life, unemployment insurance, “#MeeToo cinema”… these works which could never see the light of day

the essential
Bills, commissions of inquiry, parliamentary debates… The announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron is a thing of the past. What work is on hold and might never be completed?

Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and all the cards are reshuffled. This Sunday, June 9, this declaration had the effect of a bomb on the French political landscape, but at the same time it also brought down the agenda planned for the National Assembly for the coming weeks. All work in progress or to come is put on hold and could go by the wayside…

End of life law: examination interrupted

The main consequence of this announcement is the end, at least temporarily, of the examination of the bill on the end of life. The deputies reached article 7 of the bill, after two weeks of generally respectful debate. Failing to have been adopted at first reading before dissolution, examination of the text is considered null and void. “The entire parliamentary path up to now has been destroyed. I chaired most of the sessions, it was often said that the National Assembly was a mess. I can tell you that the debates on the end of life were of dignity, of absolute respect”, commented Yaël Braun-Pivet on France 2 this Monday, June 10.

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“There is no longer any text, no more questions to the government, no more activity of the National Assembly, we are ensuring current affairs,” clarified the President of the National Assembly before adding: “The text on the end of life will have to be re-tabled by a new government, and all the debates which took place in special committees and the hemicycle no longer exist.

Commissions of inquiry, unemployment insurance…

Another radical consequence: the ongoing commissions of inquiry are also interrupted. The new National Assembly will have to recreate them to resume work but could decide not to do so. Some examples of commissions of inquiry: the one which looked into France’s debt, the one which worked on “failures in child protection policies” or the one which investigated sexual and gender-based violence committed in cinema .

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Likewise, the bill initiated by the LIOT group against the reform of unemployment insurance, which was to be examined this Thursday, June 13, will not be. All this work is therefore subject to the results of the future legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.


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