DayFR Euro

Gasoline and diesel are at knockdown prices in this country bordering France

To fill up with fuel, you sometimes have to cross the border. And that’s good, this neighboring country of France offers lower prices.

When it comes to saving money, every opportunity is a good one. Particularly on the gasoline side. The budget allocated to gasoline is significant for many French people. So, as soon as motorists in France can pay less, they seize the opportunity.

In this regard, there is a country bordering France which offers lower pump prices than ours. At the beginning of June, the price of Diesel had even fallen. A real bargain which should push French people who live not far from the border to cross it to save money.

Luxembourg, where gasoline and diesel are cheaper

Photo credit: UJ Alexander/ iStock

This country which offers the most advantageous fuel prices is Luxembourg. For motorists who own a diesel engine (diesel), it is even better since its price has continued to decrease in recent days, reports the specialized Auto Moto site.

Thus, Thursday June 6, the price of diesel was 1.442 €/L after a reduction of 3.6 cents in prices. Therefore, a 50 liter tank of diesel costs 72.1 euros in Luxembourg compared to almost 74 previously.

Photo credit: bofotolux/ iStock

For the rest of gasoline, prices are also more advantageous in Luxembourg than in France. It is therefore necessary to count 1.559 €/L for the SP95 and 1.672 €/L for the SP98. This is explained by the sharp declines experienced by the border country in May.

As for France at the same period, the SP95 was at €1.8711/L (the E10 was at €1.8339/L) while the SP98 was at €1.9346/L.

Despite everything, prices could increase in the coming weeks with the start of the summer holidays.


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