DayFR Euro

the increase will be greater than expected, here is how much it will amount to

After the rise in gas prices in May, another is scheduled for July 1. This new increase announced several days ago will finally be greater than expected. All suppliers will apply an increase of 5.5%, for households using gas for heating, and of 10.4% for those using this energy for cooking and to produce domestic hot water, the company announced. CRE.

These figures are revised upwards this Monday, June 10. Indeed, the average level of the reference price will be at 129.2 euros including tax per megawatt hour (MWh) compared to 115.7 euros/MWh in June, according to the monthly reference index by the energy regulatory commission (CRE). ).

Since bills are often presented in KWh, this corresponds to a gas reference price for July of around 13 cents/KWh. Thus, the increase will be 11.7% compared to June prices. It is therefore greater than that previously announced by the CRE which puts things into perspective by indicating that this price remains 3.5% lower than the average price of January 1, 2024.

Gas prices will increase more than expected

Thus, the annual invoice including tax for a residential customer, in an offer indexed to this “benchmark price”, would stand at 1,184 euros at the July price, compared to 1,060 euros per year in June, and 1,227 euros in January. It must be said that the CRE has taken into account the increase observed in recent weeks in wholesale gas prices on the markets. An opposite trend to that observed since January.

Note that according to the CRE, one of the main reasons for this increase relates to the elimination of the regulated gas price from the summer of 2023. This mechanism has given way to the use of a benchmark price for calculate prices.

This led to a new calculation carried out every month by the Energy Regulatory Commission. To determine the price of gas, the CRE takes into account three initial costs, namely the transport price with a rate estimated at 42% of the total cost of this energy, taxes, representing 29% and finally the supply costs. which contribute 28% to the overall cost of gas consumed by households.

This increase is also due to the cost of maintaining the distribution network. Indeed, the costs of maintaining the network are, according to the Energy Regulatory Commission, estimated at 1.8 billion euros. An amount distributed over a number of subscribers expected to be halved by 2050 at a rate of 15,000 fewer subscribers each year. “ Gas consumption is falling, which means that gas costsinfrastructure maintenance are distributed among a reduced number of clients », explained, on this subject, Emmanuelle Wargon, president of the CRE


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