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Elections: I don’t have anyone to provide my voting proxy, what should I do?

After the European elections, the French are once again called to the polls on Sundays June 30 and July 7, this time for early legislative elections. Absent? You can ask another voter to vote for you. If you can’t find anyone in your area (the proxy must vote in your polling station), alternatives exist.

The day after the European elections in which the far-right party, the National Rally, won 31.37% of the votes, according to the latest official figures (June 10, 9:30 a.m.), the French must vote again.

Faced with these results, Head of State Emmanuel Macron announced last night the dissolution of the National Assembly. Voters are called to vote in three weeks, on Sunday June 30, then again on July 7, for the second round, in order to elect new deputies.

So you have to get organized quickly. As with all elections, it is possible to ask another French citizen to vote for you by making a voting proxy. But it’s not always easy to find someone you trust in your sector, because as a reminder, he or she must travel to your polling station. Don’t panic, it exists solutions.

The Procu Plan

Thanks to Procu plan of the A Voté associationyou can come in in contact with citizens to vote for you. Each member undertakes to respect the vote of the person for whom he or she goes to the polls, by signing a “citizen commitment charter for the proxy” which clearly specifies that “each volunteer undertakes to respect the opinions of others”and ensures “that the vote is carried out in accordance with the instructions received, without error or delay”.

Ask your political party

Activists from certain political parties volunteer to vote for you, provided you vote for their political movement. Simply go to the party website to find a member. residing in your municipality.

How to make your proxy?

In all cases, the process remains the same. You must go to the online platform dedicated to powers of attorney, then validate it in a police station, a gendarmerie, the judicial court on which your home or place of work depends, or even a place open to the public defined by the prefect.

Can a person have multiple powers of attorney?

Please note, the voting proxy is limited in number. A voter cannot vote in place of someone other thanonly once In France. “On the day of the vote, the voter responsible for voting on your behalf can only have one proxy made in France”confirms the Public Service website.

It exists an exception which allows the voter to vote in place of two people: if one or both resident abroad.

It exists several scenarios. The citizen you choose can have on voting day:

  • 1 power of attorney made in France;
  • 1 power of attorney made abroad (in a consulate or embassy);
  • 1 power of attorney made in France and 1 power of attorney made abroad;
  • 2 powers of attorney made abroad;
  • 1 proxy made in France and 2 proxies made abroad if at least 1 of the voters who nominated him is registered on a consular electoral list;
  • 3 proxies made abroad if at least 1 of the voters who nominated him is registered on a consular electoral list.

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