DayFR Euro

Cergy: a sustainable development day for manufacturers

To encourage the ecological transition businesses,CCI of Ile-de-France organize “Sustainable development days” with their partner networks. Meetings and events are planned throughout the Region for two weeks, with a view to raising awareness of this subject and taking action.

A day of the CCI of Val-d’Oise in Cergy

In this context, the CCI of Val-d’Oise organizes, the 1June 3 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., an information, training and co-construction session at Cergy. The objective? Helping manufacturers in their ecological transition. During this day, managers will be able to discuss with experts the implementation of solutions photovoltaic. Presentation of practices adapted to the problems of each company, testimonials, and exchanges of good practices are on the program.

Industrial business leaders will be invited to take advantage of new solar opportunities. What are the possibilities? What returns on investments? What savings can be made?

Managers will be able to meet Pierre Perrot (Sicae Valseyne), Hervé Augis (Department of Val-d’Oise), Thomas Hemmerdinger (Arec), Didier Crochetet (Ener’Up), Stéphane Beaupere (CCI industry 95), and Christophe-Emmanuel Boulet (CCI Sustainable Development 95). Last year, around forty business leaders participated in this formula.

Reception at 2 p.m. The day will conclude with a “Speed ​​network” and a cocktail. Registration required via this link


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