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The Rotary Club presents the Merit Award to two students

Friday June 7, the Rotary Club Uzès Pont du Gard presented two checks for €1,500 to two students from the arts and crafts high school. Made up of twenty-two members including seventeen in Uzès, the Rotary Club has already distributed €36,000 this year.

Their actions are in favor of health, peace, mothers in difficulty, water supply, the eradication of polio and training and young people. “We wanted to promote deserving situations for students. It is not the price of excellence but of merit. We hope that this action will become lasting”announces Denis Besnier, president of the club.

“It was difficult to choose only two deserving students. I sent an email to the teachers to ask them for the names of students they thought were deserving and I got seven names. They were asked to write a text to explain where they come from and where they are going. To be as fair as possible, we established a jury of people who did not know them. It was this jury that chose the two finalists.explains Rose-Marie Guin, DDFPT at the high school.

The merit prize was awarded to Basile Bucciarelli and Tania Achard. Basile, in the 2nd year of artistic ironwork, is going to BMA artistic ironwork in Mazamet. “I’m very happy. I didn’t think I would win at all. It gives me self-confidence because in general I was in the last ones so it’s nice to win this prize. It will help me pay for my accommodation and to buy me some tools.”

Tania, in her final year of professional upholstery and furniture, will go to Montpellier to study art history and archaeology. “I’m not sure I understand yet that I won. This money will only be used for my studies.”

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 84 21 23 91


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