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22,000 deaths and 275,000 chronic pathologies avoided thanks to green zones in urban areas

In 2023, a study carried out by the Asterès firm highlighted the considerable impact of green spaces on health, the environment and the economy in urban areas in France. This analysis reveals that these areas are not just places for recreation, but essential pillars for the quality of urban life and the fight against climate change.

The health benefits of green spaces

Green spaces play a crucial role in promoting public health. The Asterès study estimates that green spaces helped prevent more than 275,000 chronic pathologies and mental health problems in 2023, as well as more than 22,000 deaths. These areas contribute in particular to reducing the prevalence of diseases such as type 2 diabetes among seniors, thanks to an environment conducive to physical activity and stress reduction.

Effect on mental health: Exposure to green spaces reduces the risk of developing depressive symptoms and improves mental well-being, with a notable drop in antidepressant prescriptions in areas well-provided with greenery.

Impact on mortality and chronic pathologies: Proximity to nature in the city reduces the risk of early mortality and decreases the prevalence of chronic diseases, promoting a healthier and more resilient population.

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Environmental contributions of green spaces

The environmental benefits of green spaces are just as significant. By absorbing air pollutants and storing carbon, these areas effectively contribute to the fight against pollution and global warming.

Reduction of air pollution: In 2023, urban trees will have absorbed 11,000 tonnes of pollutants, significantly reducing urban air pollution.

Mitigation of urban heat islands: Green spaces lower the average temperature in summer, helping to make cities more livable during heat waves and reducing energy consumption for air conditioning.

Carbon sequestration: Trees in urban areas play the role of carbon sinks, storing 20 Mt of CO2 in 2023, which represents a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Economic and social value of green spaces

The study also quantifies the direct economic value generated by green spaces, estimated at €2.3 billion in 2023. These areas promote economic activity by attracting businesses and residents through an improved living environment.

Social cohesion : Parks and gardens encourage social interactions, strengthening the community fabric and improving social cohesion.

Urban security: Proper design and maintenance of green spaces can reduce crime and improve feelings of safety in urban neighborhoods.

A sustainable investment for cities

The results of this study highlight the importance of integrating green spaces into urban planning not only for their immediate benefits but also for their strategic role in creating a sustainable urban future. It is essential that public decision-makers and urban planners consider these spaces not as luxuries, but as fundamental necessities for the well-being of citizens and the resilience of cities in the face of current and future environmental challenges.


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