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Dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron: we explain what this means

Thunderclap in the French political landscape after the results of the European elections. The dissolution of the National Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron leads to new legislative elections, on June 30 (first round) and July 7 (second round).

The last time the National Assembly was dissolved was in 1997 under the presidency of the Republic of Jacques Chirac.

What does it mean to dissolve the National Assembly?

The dissolution of the National Assembly can be defined as the right to prematurely end the mandate of deputies in order to provoke new legislative elections. This right of dissolution is given to the President of the Republic by the 1958 Constitution in article 12, according to the parliamentary system of the Fifth Republic.

Who decides to dissolve the National Assembly?

The President of the Republic must consult the Prime Minister and the presidents of the Senate and the National Assembly. However, the head of state has no obligation to follow their advice. Indeed, it is the President who decides whether or not to dissolve the Assembly. A period of one year must therefore be respected between two dissolutions. Which is the case here since the last dissolution dates back to 1997.

Does dissolving the National Assembly represent a risk for the government in place?

The dissolution of the National Assembly effectively leads to new legislative elections. They will take place on June 30 (first round) and July 7 (second round). However, the presidential party is not guaranteed to have a majority following the votes.

What happens if the presidential party does not obtain a majority after the legislative elections?

In the event of defeat, the head of state is required to appoint a Prime Minister from the political family that won the elections. This is what happened to Jacques Chirac. In 1997, the President of the Republic decided to dissolve the National Assembly. Which led to cohabitation with Lionel Jospin as Prime Minister.

When will the French return to the polls?

The French are called to go to the polls again for new legislative elections. The first round is scheduled for June 30 and the second round for July 7.


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