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Val-de-Marne: a 4-year-old girl found dead at the departmental children’s home

A 4-year-old girl was found dead this Sunday morning, in her bed, at the departmental children’s home in Sucy-en-Brie. Contacted, the Créteil public prosecutor’s office confirmed the discovery of the girl’s body this Sunday, June 9 in the morning.

“A procedure has been opened to investigate the causes of death,” he said. It was entrusted to the local police station with the technical support of the Val-de-Marne Territorial Security. An autopsy is planned for Monday in order to carry out checks. »

Despite the intervention of emergency services, the victim could not be resuscitated

The discovery was made around 9 a.m. by an educator from the home. According to a Source close to the case, the last contact with the child dates back to 3 a.m., when a staff member brought her a glass of water while she was coughing.

“The emergency services arrived very quickly, they performed a cardiac massage but were unable to resuscitate her,” confided this Sunday evening, very moved, Olivier Capitanio (LR), president of the departmental council which manages the establishment. According to our information, the little girl and her two brothers had been placed within this structure for six months due to the precarious conditions in which their parents live and a possible context of violence.

“This dramatic event upsets all the teams, whose commitment and missions are the protection of children,” laments Olivier Capitanio. It is a death that is difficult to understand, very hard to bear for the agents and the little girl’s parents. We hope that forensic doctors will be able to explain the reasons for his death. »

A historic structure in Val-de-Marne created in 1972, the departmental children’s home’s mission is to urgently welcome children who are in danger within the family home. Some children are entrusted there following a placement order from the judge, others after an investigation by the department’s social services.

“Child protection is running out of steam”

However, social assistance for children is experiencing significant difficulties. In March, a commission of inquiry into child welfare (ASE) was launched at the initiative of the socialist MP for Val-de-Marne Isabelle Santiago.

In her presentation of the commission to her colleagues, she recalled that it was “necessary to emphasize the extent to which the field of child protection is running out of steam”, pointing out a lack of personnel, structure and structures often unsuitable for welcoming young people “with traumatic backgrounds”.


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