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He buys a Cybertruck and realizes too late that the truck is too big

Salt Lake City resident Blaine Raddon’s life changed dramatically after he separated from his wife. He had to leave the shared home to find himself in an apartment, where the parking spaces are tight… too much for the brand new Cybertruck which he recently took possession of! He discovered that the truck, more than 5.5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, did not fit into its new parking space.

The Cybertruck takes up too much space in life

After getting his hands on his vehicle, Blaine quickly realized that he wouldn’t be able to park it properly at his apartment complex. So he contacted the Tesla dealership in Salt Lake City to try to return the truck. However, the manager’s response was clear: his situation did not constitute an unforeseen circumstance justifying the repossession of the vehicle by Tesla.

The vehicle order contract, of course signed by Raddon, stipulates that a Cybertruck owner cannot resell their vehicle during the first year under penalty of receiving a $50,000 fine and being prohibited from purchasing future vehicles. You’re here. Despite this clause, the new owner hoped to find a solution with the manufacturer, but his attempts came to nothing.

In an email exchange with the dealership, Blaine Raddon explained that the Cybertruck was ” so much bigger » than expected and that he had to carry out several maneuvers to park it, making daily use of the vehicle completely impossible. He proposed several solutions, including the return of the truck, an exchange for a sedan or authorization to resell it without making a profit. But the concessionaire rejected these proposals, recalling the strict terms of the contract.

Raddon also stressed that he was not looking to make a profit on the resale, but simply to remedy an unforeseen and uncomfortable situation to say the least. Although his building allows the Cybertruck to park, it protrudes out of the space and is at risk of being damaged by other vehicles. Tesla, for its part, has not yet responded to his call for leniency.

This story highlights the difficulties that owners of large vehicles like the Cybertruck can encounter, especially in urban environments with limited spaces. It’s difficult to pity them though: they knew at the time of ordering that the truck was… a truck, therefore something big and not practical in the city. However, Tesla’s contract appears to lack flexibility in the face of life changes that are impossible to predict.


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