DayFR Euro

DIRECT. European elections 2024: participation of 19.81% at midday, Emmanuel Macron has just voted in Le Touquet

Nearly 360 million voters are called to the polls from June 6 to 9, including 49.5 million French people who are invited to vote this Sunday in polling stations in France. The latter open their doors at 8 a.m., kicking off this important vote, the outcome of which remains uncertain.

• One of the major issues of this day is the abstention rate, traditionally high for Europeans. At midday, the participation rate was 19.81%, slightly up compared to 2019 (19.29%).

• The first results are expected by 8 p.m., at which time provisional scores will be revealed.

• Among the 49.5 million voters registered in France, there are 329,000 nationals of other European countries, authorized to vote in France for this election.

11:59 a.m.

Participation rate up compared to 2019

The turnout rate in the European elections is 19.81% at midday, according to the Interior Ministry. A figure up compared to the 2019 elections where participation rose to 19.26% at the same time. IN 2015, it was only 15.70%.

1:50 p.m.

An inmate from Arles prison escapes after voting

An inmate from the Arles central prison (Bouches-du-Rhône) escaped after voting on this Sunday of the European elections, a prison Source told AFP, confirming information from the regional daily Provence .

1:45 p.m.

Emmanuel Macron’s turn

It was around 1:40 p.m., in the town of Le Touquet, when the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, accompanied by his wife Brigitte, voted in the 2024 European elections.

1:39 p.m.

Carole Delga went to her polling station

The president of the Occitanie Region, Carole Delga, voted this morning, shortly before noon, in Martres Tolosane (Haute-Garonne).

12:53 p.m.

Sharp increase in Tarn-et-Garonnne

In Tarn-et-Garonne, where 295 polling stations have been open since 8 a.m. in the 195 municipalities of the department, voters turned out in large numbers this Sunday morning. At noon, the participation rate exceeds 23%, precisely 23.08%. This is 3 and a half points better than in 2019, when the midday participation rate was only 19.55%. In the 2014 European elections, only 19.04% of voters in Tarn-et-Garonne had cast a ballot in a ballot box at midday time.

12:43 p.m.

Jean-Luc Moudenc voted

The mayor of Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc voted this Sunday in the Château de l’Hers polling station, in his Terrasse district

The mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, voted this Sunday June 9 in the European elections.
DDM – Michel Viala
12:34 p.m.

Candidate on the PS track, Thomas Fromentin voted this morning in Foix

Present in 41st position on Raphaël Glucksmann’s list, the president of the Foix-Varilhes agglomeration Thomas Fromentin put his ballot in the ballot box this morning in Foix.

Thomas Fromentin this Sunday morning in Foix as part of the 2024 European elections.
12:31 p.m.

At noon, Ariège is doing worse than in 2019

At noon in the Ariège department, the participation rate stood at 19.55%. Already below the national average, which stands at 19.81%, the figure is especially lower than in 2019, when 21.82% of Ariège voters traveled at the same time.

12:29 p.m.

Discover the participation rate in the Hautes-Pyrénées

Read also :
2024 European elections: participation rate of 18.58% in Hautes-Pyrénées

12:20 p.m.

Aveyron too!

Just like the Lot, Aveyron is above the national average on this Sunday, June 9. In the department, at 12 p.m., participation was 21.88%.

12:18 p.m.

The Lot, higher than the national average

In the Lot, the participation rate at midday amounts to 22.06%. This is better than the average participation rate in France at midday. In 2019, the department showed 23.93% at noon. In 2014, it was 20.71%.

12:09 p.m.

Participation on the rise in Haute-Garonne

In the Haute-Garonne department, the participation rate at midday is 18.64%, slightly below the national average (19.81%). On the other hand, this is an increase compared to the 2016 elections in the department. In fact, 4 years ago, the figure was 16.76% at midday.

11:55 a.m.

Here’s how to know where to vote and until what time

Read also :
Europeans: how do you know where your polling station is located and what time it closes?

11:52 a.m.

Political figures march to the polling stations

Raphaël Glucksmann, Gabriel Attal, Gérald Darmanin, all went to vote this Sunday morning in their respective polling stations.

11:05 a.m.

Will the players of the France team vote?

Opposed this evening in Canada, this evening in Bordeaux (9:15 p.m.) for their last preparation match before Euro 2024 which will take place in Germany (June 14 to July 14), will the players of the France team be able to vote for the European elections this Sunday June 9?

Read also :
European elections 2024: “We will not be able to leave the rally on Sunday…” Will the Blues, who are competing between France and Canada, vote?

10:56 a.m.

Valérie Hayer, Marion Maréchal, the heads of the lists vote in turn

The heads of the lists for these 2024 European elections follow one another in their respective polling stations. Valérie Hayer (Renaissance) voted in Mayenne, in Laval, while Marion Maréchal (Reconquête) cast her ballot in Hauts-de-Seine around 10 a.m. Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains) also voted for Versailles.

10:40 a.m.

In Montauban, swastikas on electoral signs

This weekend, there was an unpleasant surprise in Montauban when the police officers at the police station were informed that swastikas had been written on electoral signs near the polling station on rue Jean-Jaurès, Villebourbon district. The municipal agents on duty very quickly cleaned the damaged supports for the smooth running of the Europeans.


Polling stations open since 1 hour, Marine Le Pen voted

On this Sunday, June 9, the French are called to the polls to elect their European deputies. Marine Le Pen has just voted in Hénin-Baumont (Pas-de-Calais). Abstention is, as always, feared. So, as Valérie Pécresse would say, “stand up”.


In Rodez, the Aveyronnais were present from 8 a.m.

In front of the Rodez village hall, from 8 a.m., voters were waiting for the polling stations to open. Among them, a young man in his twenties is stamping his feet with impatience. He promised to go vote and hopes to be able to start his day quickly. “I didn’t think I would have to wait,” he laughs, looking like the youngest member of the group. “I will get closer as soon as they open the doors. I hope that many of us will vote today.” And after a while, he smiled. “If I managed to get up, others should be able to do it.”

Nearly 220,000 Aveyron voters (219,769 exactly) are called to the polls this Sunday. To do this, they will be able to benefit from free transport which is provided all day to allow voters to go to the village hall where all the polling stations are concentrated.


Opening of polling stations

It is 8 a.m., the polling stations have opened in mainland France. You can go vote for these 2024 European elections.


What do you need to vote?

Voter card, identity document… What documents do you really need to vote? The answer in our article.


Results expected at 8 p.m.

From 8 p.m., thanks to the first provisional results from the polling stations, we will know the verdict of the ballot boxes.


Offices will open at 8 a.m.

Nothing changes for the usual early bird voters! They will be able to cast their vote from 8 a.m.


Hello and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the European elections


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