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Elections 2024: this is what the day of a polling station president looks like

The 2024 elections also involve citizens being summoned to the different polling stations to allow everyone to express their voice. We met Philippe, president of a polling station, to discover this particular mission.

Philippe Simonart is an early riser. This citizen has been designated as president of one of the many polling stations which have been welcoming, since 8 a.m. this morning, the millions of Belgians who want to express their vote in these elections. It is therefore he who ensures, upon his arrival, the proper functioning of the entire place and the various tools at his disposal.

“An important role”

First check: that of the voting booths. He checks that the pencil is properly installed there. He will then discover his assessors and define the roles of each. The ballots are arriving by the thousands, there are 2,400 to be recounted, to check that everything is available to voters. A role that is close to the heart of Philippe, who is very invested in his mission. “It’s an important role, frankly. We’re going to do it as best as possible, we’re well trained to do it and we’re going to keep our calm and composure until the end.”he tells us.

Once the ballots arrive, you have to recount everything, check that nothing is missing, also check that the electoral lists are complete and that people who have recently died have, for example, been removed. Like any good manager, Philippe must check that everyone is there, ready to work. Missing assessors? Philippe goes to get some elsewhere, in a neighboring office. Latecomers are sent home as soon as the teams are complete.

A fast-paced day

“I find it a bit archaic as a process, we have an additional double counting because the gentleman checks what I count“, tells us a member of the office, who must count the ballots by hand, before they certify them as correct with a stamp. The votes can begin. Everyone is in place. Once the vote is over, it will be necessary proceed to the counting This is where Philippe will hand over to another president.

An entire program !

elections 2024 polling station genval


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