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Expert reveals the day you shouldn't work out to be fit all week

To avoid fatigue, an expert reveals the day of the week to reserve for yourself in order to get as much rest as possible.

For many of us, starting a new week can be difficult. We barely have time to enjoy the weekend when we already have to get back in working order for the week ahead.

The task seems more difficult in autumn and winter when temperatures drop and there is a shortage of sunlight. So the best thing is to take a little break. A day off just for you during the week. But not just any one.

As Dawna Ballard, a professor at the University of Texas and an expert in timing and time management, explains, a particular day of the week is ideal for getting plenty of rest.

A strategic day of the week for better rest

Photo credit: fizkes/ iStock

You dream of a three-day weekend. To do this, you take a day off on Friday or Monday and that's it. As tempting as it is, this is a bad option according to the expert. The reason is quite simple. If you take one of these two days to have a long weekend, you are not completely breaking away from the usual routine. Instead of a two-day weekend, it will be a three-day weekend. It's still good to take, but not effective enough.

For Dawna Ballard, you need to take a break in the middle of the week. Wednesday is therefore the ideal day to recharge the batteries. “You start the week knowing you only have two days at this pace. There is a greater feeling of calm and control,” she explains.

Photo credit: Drazein Zigic/ iStock

It is in fact easier to start a week with two days of work (only) before being able to allow yourself a small break, rather than doing five days before the weekend. Furthermore, by choosing Wednesday as a day of rest, you allow your body and mind to take a break before being completely exhausted at the end of the week.

During this day of rest, the expert recommends treating yourself. So, no question of tiring yourself out with household chores that you haven't had time to do. Instead, opt for activities such as walking in nature, reading, going to the movies or anything else that appeals to you. Only small problem, Wednesday is also children's day…


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