DayFR Euro

DISINFOX. Is it true that there will not be all the ballots in your polling station for Europeans?


While the European elections will take place this Sunday, June 9 in France, it is difficult to make your choice among the 38 lists that are presented. But to vote for some of them, you will have to make your choice in advance.

“Remember to print your newsletter”, indicate many parties as the European elections approach. In fact, they claim, their ballot will not be made available to voters in the polling stations.

The cheking process

In recent days, professions of faith have been distributed by mail to voters. However, the latter only received 15 programs out of the 38 lists presented. And among these professions of faith, only 12 were accompanied by a ballot. The reason: the cost of printing. Each party should in fact print 49.3 million ballots, one for each person registered on the electoral lists.

However, as stipulated in the decree of May 15, 2024 setting the rates for reimbursement of printing and display costs of electoral documents for the election of representatives to the European Parliament, a party candidate for the election will be reimbursed for its costs if he gets “at least 3% of the votes cast. »

Enough to push the parties to be less ambitious. Some of them, like the animalist party, will simply print ballots which will be made available to the polling stations.

Others have only targeted certain polling stations, in departments where they believe they have enough voters. This is for example the case of the Pirate Party which will provide 25 to 50% of the polling stations in 10 departments.

But parties can also target certain polling stations by going to drop off ballots directly there, “from the mayors, no later than noon the day before the election, and the presidents of the polling stations, on the day of the election and even if the voting operations have already started”recalls a prefectural note sent to mayors, and that The New Republic was obtained.

The note sent to mayors by the prefectures.
© (Photo screenshot NR)

However, these ballots must be submitted by the “departmental representatives or duly designated representatives, in accordance with articles L. 58 and R. 55 of the electoral code”.


It’s true. There will not necessarily be the ballot paper from the list you want to vote for in your polling station. If you have any doubts, you can print your bulletin yourself. It must, in this case, be “printed in A4 format in landscape (210 single color ink »details the Ministry of the Interior.


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