DayFR Euro

What funding for local authorities? (1/2)

By giving communities more autonomy and leaving them free to experiment, it is possible to save money while repairing public services

Sophie Gaugain

First vice-president LR of the region

You are never overdrawn. When you have a great project, you finance and borrow wisely, and this project provides a living for entrepreneurs, etc. And yet, one day, you are referred to as a failed basket. This is what happens to local authorities: they must vote for their operating budget in balance, therefore no deficit; they borrow to invest, an essential investment for the economic fabric, in all territories. Despite this, the state scapegoated them.

The State has been carrying out sleight of hand for years. Delete recipes without ever compensating them over time. Transfer skills without ever compensating expenses over time. And, above all, impose expenses and skills on communities, without ever giving them the autonomy that would allow them to manage them.


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