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“Le Devoir” shines at the Awards of Excellence in Digital Publication gala

The duty shone at the Digital Publishing Excellence Awards gala which took place Friday in Toronto. He won three distinctions, including one for general excellence in digital publishing: large publication.

The article “Behind the scenes of a war: immersion through Telegram” won the gold medal in the Best Unique and Out-of-Category Story category, during the evening which took place at the Arcadian Court. The report offered readers the opportunity to relive the first days of the invasion of Ukraine launched in February 2022 through online exchanges. Journalist Sandrine Vieira signed the text, while Cédric Gagnon was responsible for design and Catherine Bombardier and Jean-Romain Roy for development. Video journalist Jasmine Legendre also collaborated.

Journalists Sarah Boumedda and Sandrine Vieira won second place in the Best Feature Article category, for “Mother tongues in danger.” Why do children of immigrants lose their native language? “. As part of this report, they spoke with four people from immigrant backgrounds in Quebec about their mastery of their mother tongue and its erosion over the years. Guillaume Levasseur was responsible for the video and Catherine Bombardier for development.

As for the General Excellence in Digital Publishing Award: Large Publication, The duty wins it for a second time, after winning it in 2020. The Toronto Star And The Globe and Mail were the other two media outlets nominated. “It rewards all the work. It’s an award that reflects on the entire team, not just on the newsroom, but on all the employees,” said Brian Myles, the newspaper’s director.

He also congratulated those who won the two other distinctions of the Duty. “This is proof, once again, that the choices that The duty fact, as well as its original and innovative digital positioning, are recognized by the industry. It encourages us. »

In total, the daily received eight nominations at this gala. The others nominated were the report “Going up in smoke. Summer 2023, the start of the rest of our lives”, by journalist Sarah Boumedda, “From Khorgos to Samarkand. Travel diary on the new Silk Roads », by reporter Magdaline Boutros and photographer Valérian Mazataud, the production “Threatened by climate change, will Route 132 have to be moved? », by Jasmine Legendre, Jean Balthazard and Laurence Thibault, the video report “Supervised inhalation centers to save lives”, by Améli Pineda, Stéphanie Vallet and Guillaume Levasseur, as well as the interactive report “Hydro-Québec. Will you make the right decisions? “, by Antoine Noreau, Laurianne Croteau and Cédric Gagnon.

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