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a 10 year old girl died

A 10-year-old girl, who was part of a group of children on bicycles hit on Wednesday June 5 by an octogenarian motorist in La Rochelle, died Friday June 7 according to the prosecution. On Thursday, she was declared in good condition. ” brain death “.

The death of the young victim, who had been transported to the hospital in Tours (Indre-et-Loire) in “extreme emergency” after the accident, was declared early Friday morning, said Arnaud Laraize public prosecutor in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime).

This little girl was part of this group of twelve children aged 7 to 11 years old registered in a municipal leisure center and riding a bicycle when they were hit on Wednesday morning by an 83-year-old driver traveling in the wrong direction.

Six children injured

In addition to this death, this accident left six children injured, according to a report released Thursday by the prosecution. A 9-year-old child initially hospitalized in La Rochelle in “relative urgency” was transferred to Poitiers for observation.

An 11-year-old child hospitalized in La Rochelle in “absolute emergency” for his part experienced “a positive evolution of his state of health”according to the same Source, while a 9-year-old child “relative urgency” was operated on Thursday morning in La Rochelle. The last two children, more lightly injured, were released from the hospital on Wednesday.

The prosecution reclassified the investigation initially opened for involuntary injuries by the driver of a vehicle, extending it to the classification of involuntary homicide by the driver of a land motor vehicle.

The driver, negative for alcohol and narcotics, was placed in police custody on Wednesday but this measure was lifted “for medical incompatibility” and she was transferred to “specialized hospital structure”. She has not yet been able to be heard by investigators from the Interdepartmental Directorate of the National Police (DIPN) of La Rochelle.


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