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Delay in French strawberries: producers launch an “urgent appeal” to supermarkets and consumers

The production of French strawberries is a decrease of 13% compared to 2023. The month of May was indeed marked by unfavorable weather conditions for fruit ripening. But a peak in production is expected in June, starting this weekend. In order to sell the large volumes of French strawberries in the coming weeks, French producers “are launching an urgent appeal to the supermarkets to leave room for French strawberries in stores”insists the AOPn Fraises Framboises de France in a press release on June 6.

THE spanish strawberries are gradually leaving the stalls, and even if the strawberry Belgian is present, French producers fear that mass distribution will put more emphasis on stone fruit also expected by consumers to the detriment of strawberries.

Cheaper strawberries for the consumer

Round cutters or gariguettes, spring varieties are available this June. The season will last until October but volumes will then be less significant. It is therefore the ideal time to consume French strawberries, especially as provided by the law of supply and demand, the price of French strawberries will be lower. In the space of a week, the AOPn Fraises Framboises de France claims to have already observed a 20% reduction in the price of gariguette in production.

“We call on consumers to turn more than ever to the French product, the supply of which promises to be abundant in the coming weeks,” insists Emeline Vanespen, director of the AOPn Fraises Framboises de France. This is to help producers get through this period “crucial” for the sustainability of the French strawberry industry.


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