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Exasperated to see her mother beaten by her father in Seraing, she ends up filming the violent man while he is busy committing the acts.

Tawfiq 61 years old, a resident of Seraing benefited from a probationary suspension of the sentence before the criminal court of Liège after having hit his wife for years. The facts were denounced thanks to the daughter of the person concerned who ended up filming his violent behavior.

On October 10, 2021, the police went to a home in Seraing following incidents of domestic violence. Tawfik’s daughter contacted the police because her father was hitting her mother. She explained that she could no longer take the situation.

She had been witnessing her father’s violent behavior for years. She decided to film the person afterward.

Cornered, he is forced to confess

The police were able to view the images from the video. They were able to see that the father was filmed while he delivered a blow to the back of his wife’s head. He also threw a canteen filled with water at her face.

The victim stated that she has been married to the individual for 32 years. She said her husband beat her regularly. Their daughter already witnessed a scene during which her father threatened her mother with a knife. The mother had already taken steps to join a center for battered women and had a report of injury drawn up. She explains that an argument arose over money issues. Her husband threw her a water bottle. He tried to hit her but her daughter intervened. Her husband told her he was going to kill her if she didn’t listen to him…

Knife threats

The daughter confirmed that she had already witnessed scenes of violence and had seen her mother with a bloody face. She once saw her father threaten her with a knife. She confirmed that she discovered her father hitting her mother on the day of the police intervention. He also threw a water bottle at her, along with various other objects. He said that since she refused to give him her money, he was going to kill her. When heard, the suspect did not hesitate to declare that it was his wife who had hit him, in particular using the water bottle. Informed that the images of the facts completely contradicted his version, he ended up confessing them.


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