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what the law says about setting up caravans

Between freedom of movement, decent living conditions and concern for illicit installations, the balance can be difficult to find when it comes to welcoming Travelers. Although strictly regulated by the courts, the installations are sometimes sources of conflict. Update on what the law says.

First of all, a little semantics. The appellation “Travellers” designates people whose habitat consists of mobile homes, mainly caravans, installed on reception areas or land. More than a notion, it is a real legal category introduced into law in 1969.

1 A reception obligation for municipalities

Since 1990 and the Besson law, municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants are required to participate in their installation. Reception areas can also be created by public intermunicipal cooperation establishments (EPCI), administrative structures bringing together several municipalities.

In 2020, the legislation is reinforced with the development of a reception plan, which each department must create with the State and the departmental council. Note that a departmental advisory commission (CDCGDV) must be involved in the development and implementation of the plan.


Photo from the reception plan of the Ardennes department.

© DDT 08

The latter must determine the number, location and capacity of the areas. Its management can be the responsibility of the communities, entrusted mainly to the Municipal Social Action Centers (CCAS), or that of an external operator.

2 Rewards for the creation of reception areas

There are different forms of land, which provide for more or less long-term occupation: the permanent area for itinerants, contrary to what its name indicates, the busy area for travel in large groups during gatherings, the land family for a territorial anchor with a stable place.

A few

terms must also be fulfilled by managers: possibility of parking, health rules, access to drinking water and electricity, management and security system, etc.

Photo from the reception plan of the Marne department.

© Departmental Directorate of the Territories of Marne.

When municipalities fulfill their duty by having created reception areas, they can receive subsidies from the State. They also have the right to prohibit travelers from parking outside them. In the event of illegal occupation, a simplified procedure expulsion can be implemented.

3For travelers, rules to respect

People interested in an area have the obligation to notify them of their arrival in advance. Once there, they undertake to respect the internal regulations and you must pay for your location. For example, the price is 2 to 3€ per night or 15 euros per week at

Reims-La Neuvillette2€ per night at Chaumont, in Haute-Marne, to which are added €0.18 per KWH including tax of electricity, €3.70 including tax per m3 of water and 80 euros security deposit. Or 20 euros all charges included per week and per pitch at Troyeswith 400 euros deposit per group.

4Multiple changes to the law

42. This is the total number of reports, changes in laws or legislative news on the subject identified by Public life between 1990 and 2021. The latest reform is still that of 2020.

In addition to the latter, one of the most important took place in 2017, when the first law of 1969 was repealed because it was deemed discriminatory. Previously, travelers had to have travel documents, be attached to a municipality and a domiciliation regime. This has since no longer been the case.


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