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Emmanuel Macron at 8 p.m.: the president considers Europe “threatened” by the far-right

The President of the Republic was the guest of TF1 and France 2, this Thursday, June 6, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Landing. He spoke in particular on international issues.


  • The President of the Republic responded live from Caen to questions from Gilles Bouleau (TF 1) and Anne-Sophie Lapix (France 2).
  • Emmanuel Macron called on the French to go to the polls on Sunday June 9 for the European elections.
  • He had previously announced the sending of pilots and fighter planes to Ukraine. He also said he has no plans to recognize the State of Palestine at this time.

8:50 p.m. | End of this live

The interview with the President of the Republic is now over. Emmanuel Macron spoke for around thirty minutes from Caen with Gilles Bouleau and Anne-Sophie Lapix, at the end of a day commemorating the Landing, the pretext for this speech.

The head of state spoke at length about Ukraine, the war in Gaza and the European elections on Sunday June 9.

8:48 p.m. | Speaking criticized

The announcement of the president’s interview on Thursday June 6 provoked criticism from the opposition on Sunday June 2. “It’s still embarrassing: just before the end of a campaign for the European elections, he will have the right to prime time on TF 1 and France 2”, criticized the head of the LFI list, Manon Aubry, on RTL Monday morning. For the candidates, the president is campaigning for Valérie Hayer’s list, and they will not have time to make up for this time between now and June 8.

8:45 p.m. | Europe “threatened”

“I see the levels of abstention” in the European elections, “and I call on compatriots to go and vote on June 9,” Macron said. “We see the rise of the far right everywhere in Europe. Many can say that five years ago, the far right was already ahead of the majority, that it does not matter (…) but Europe may find itself blocked,” added the president. “Europe has never been so threatened,” according to him.

At a meeting in Clermont-Ferrand, Nathalie Arthaud (LO) takes advantage of Europeans to call for a revolutionary vote

8:43 p.m. | No recognition of Palestine

The President of the Republic is now being questioned about the war in Gaza.

“We have not heard from them and we are worried,” explained Emmanuel Macron about the two French hostages still in the hands of Hamas.

For him, “it is not reasonable”, at the moment, to consider recognition of the Palestinian state. “We do not recognize a State on the basis of indignation,” justified the president.

8:40 p.m. | “We are ready”

“Since the first days, the Russians have been threatening. We are not at fault. We must take this as threats and a sign of Russia’s nervousness. We are organized and prepared to face all risks.” Faced with Putin, “we are ready,” assured Emmanuel Macron.

8:37 p.m. | French national arrested for espionage

A Frenchman suspected of espionage in relation to Russia’s military activities was arrested by the Russian authorities, confirmed Emmanuel Macron, after information given by the Russian Investigative Committee in Moscow earlier today.

Frenchman accused of collecting military information arrested by Russia

8:35 p.m. | Avoid escalation

“We are on the side of the Ukrainians so that they defend themselves, we do not want an escalation,” defended the President of the Republic. The fighter jets will allow kyiv’s forces to “neutralize targets”: “We are not going to bomb.”

8:30 p.m. | Pilot training program launched

“Helping Ukraine to resist means avoiding the law of the strongest,” said the President of the Republic, according to whom “peace cannot be the capitulation of Ukraine.”

Emmanuel Macron announced the launch of a “new cooperation, a pilot training and Mirage 2000 transfer program”. These combat planes “will allow Ukraine to protect its soil and its airspace,” he explained. “We are going to set up training for pilots this summer.”

8:25 p.m. | World War II and the war in Ukraine

The president returned to the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. While President Biden spoke at length about kyiv and Moscow, Macron estimated that “we cannot help but draw a parallel” with the war in Ukraine.

80 years of the D-Day landings: “If we look away” from Ukraine, “the whole of Europe will fall”, says Biden

8:20 p.m. | Talking about the Europeans, the role of the president?

While his speech two days before the end of the European campaign is strongly criticized, Emmanuel Macron addressed the issue head-on: “Talking about the European elections is essential for the life of the country, it is also my role”.

The president declared “having difficulty understanding why talking about the D-Day landings, talking about what is happening in Russia, what is happening with the European elections, would not be in my role.”

8:15 p.m. | The interview begins

Emmanuel Macron’s interview has begun. It should last around thirty minutes. He is interviewed by Anne-Sophie Lapix and Gilles Bouleau, in Caen, in Calvados.

7:50 p.m. | A highly criticized speech

A few days before the European elections on June 9, the announcement by the two channels, Sunday June 2, of the interview with Emmanuel Macron, fueled criticism. Indeed, since April 15, the speaking times of each political movement have been counted down until the day before the election, June 8. The statements of the candidates and the people who support them are taken into account. The president’s speech at La Sorbonne on April 25 was thus deducted from the list carried by Valerie Hayer.

Macron’s speech on European and international elections: after Les Républicains, LFI announces that it will seize Arcom

7:45 p.m. | Live

Good evening and welcome to this live.


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