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an open investigation into the images of the bodies broadcast on social networks

The Libourne public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation this Thursday, June 6, relating to the broadcast of images of the accident which left four dead, this Sunday, June 2, on the Libourne ring road, the prosecutor of the Libourne district told “Sud Ouest”. Lois Raschel Republic. Witnesses photographed and/or filmed…

The Libourne public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation this Thursday, June 6, relating to the broadcast of images of the accident which left four dead, this Sunday, June 2, on the Libourne ring road, the prosecutor of the Libourne district told “Sud Ouest”. Lois Raschel Republic. Witnesses photographed and/or filmed the scene, between the accident and the intervention of the emergency services, posting their production directly on social networks. Potentially shocking images, the bodies being mutilated, violating the dignity of the victims. One person has already been taken into custody. At the same time, a judicial investigation was opened that same day, following the accident, for charges of involuntary manslaughter, involuntary injuries and failure to assist a person in danger. An investigating judge must be contacted, whose task will be to determine the responsibilities of each person, in an eminently complex case.

It is indeed difficult to determine the exact sequence of events in the intertwining of versions, and even rumors current in the Coutras region, where the victims of the accident are common. Five young people, aged 16 to 19, some also known to the law, were returning from a party in Dordogne. Two of them, witnesses report, were in no condition to drive after having consumed alcohol, without being able to say who had taken the wheel that evening. The Renault Modus stopped at a service station in Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle at 2:13 a.m., as evidenced by the establishment’s video surveillance images.

A muddle “

The investigation will have to determine the nature of the comments exchanged between the driver of the Modus and that of a Renault Laguna who arrived a little earlier, to get fuel. Still, the Laguna drove off in a hurry, immediately followed by the Modus, whose occupants did not even have time to close the door. The chase lasted around twenty minutes before the fatal outcome. The Modus crashed at high speed into a tree bordering the RD1089, between the roundabout serving Pomerol and that of the Saint-Émilion road. Four of the occupants of the car, dislocated by the impact, are now dead.


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