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“Only 100 notes!” : a couple fishes a safe with 100,000 dollars inside

In the United States, a couple who are fond of magnet fishing pulled up a safe from the bottom of a lake in Queens, New York.

Inside, almost 100,000 dollars.

Problem, the tickets are in very poor condition, as the TF1 news explains to you.

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The 1 p.m.

“Oh my God, honey, more money. Holy shit guys, it’s only 100 bills!” James Kane can’t believe it. His discovery has all the makings of miraculous (magnet) fishing. A few minutes earlier, filmed by his girlfriend, he cast his line in a lake in Queens, New York, without suspecting for a single moment that he was going to bring up a treasure. “Oh! It’s a safe!” he says, excited, in the TF1 news video to see above. Before adding: “We’ve found safes before and we’re still hoping there’s something really cool inside.”

I plan to take the money to Washington, to the national agency where they print the tickets, it’s the only way to restore them.

Lucky Magnet Fisherman James Kane

This time, James Kane will not be disappointed. “Oh, it’s money, yeah (…) Wads of notes, 100 notes”he exclaims. “When I saw the bills with the 100 dollars, with the shiny holograms on them, I didn’t even know what to say anymore“, rejoices in turn his girlfriend, Barbi Agostini. In total, the loot amounts to around 100,000 dollars, or 90,000 euros. The New York police confirm that the tickets are real, and are investigating, but she cannot find their owner.

Another good news for James Kane, who can therefore keep everything. With one downside though: the water and mud have damaged them quite a bit. “I plan to take the money to Washington, to the national agency where they print the tickets, that’s the only way to restore them. If that doesn’t work, they’re good to throw away.”, he said. The couple, who run a YouTube channel recounting their “magnetic” adventures, had already got their hands on grenades from the Second World War, old rifles from the 19th century and even coins.

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And in France, what do we have the right to do if we find such a treasure? There is good news and less good news. The good thing is that you can exchange damaged banknotes for new ones for free at a bank. The worst is that half of the treasure will go to the owner of the land where it was discovered or to the State if it is on public property.

V.F | TF1 video Florian Litzler and Raphaël Etienne


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